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    Xslt Transformation

    1514 0 Created on 2021-01-19 07:57:18; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:01:37

    Xslt transformation test editor enables to define transformation rules and implement transformation functions directly in Xslt language.

    To specify a new XSLT transformation type or change its current type,you will go to transformation part , you may find that it is by default was chosen as visual , so to change you can click on "Reset" button at the end of the page :


    Reset Transformation

    Then click on the arrow of the drop down menu: Create a new transformation of type and select Xslt, and you can choose an Xslt transformation from the catalogue if found. Please refer to the Catalogue chapter for more information about catalogue use and commands.

    If you want to create a copy from a Babelway template you must name this copy before accessing the text editor screen.

    Xslt mapping and transformation rules can be entered directly using integrated Xslt editor as illustrated here under:

    Xslt transformation editor

    Once all your mapping, transformations and additional filters are ready, if and/or format entered, do not forget to save this transformation using the Save button.

    The following (advanced) properties exist for xslt transforms:


     The xslt of the transformation. It is the same xslt that can be used via the graphical editor. 

     Transformation mode 

     Allows you to use special transformation modes. The available modes are : 

    • Normal: Transformation reads content and metadata of the incoming message, and its result will affect content and metadata of the outgoing message. 

    • Metadata only for outgoing message: Only the metadata of the outgoing message will be updated. The content of the outgoing message will be the same as the input. This mode can be used in special situations where the transformation must only generate some additional metadata. 

    • Metadata only for incoming message: Only the metadata of the incoming message will be used, not its content. This mode can be used in special situations where the transformation only operates on the metadata of the incoming message. A dummy Message IN will be used instead of the incoming content. 

    • Metadata only: Transformation only operates on the metadata of the incoming message, and can only update metadata of the outgoing message. Content will not be updated by the transformation. 


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